Designer: R. Diesel under supervision of Prof. Dr. L. Brill
Title in the catalog: (de) 5). Einschaliges Hyberboloid mit dem Asymptoten-Kegel; grosse Halbaxe der Kehlellipse 4 cm. (Höhe des Modells 23 cm.) 6). Dasselbe mit den beiden Scharen von geraden Erzeugenden; 7). Dasselbe mit Krümmungslinien
Price in the catalog: resp., 9.50, 16, 13 marks (1911)
where in the model $a \neq b$ (thus the horizontal cross-sections are ellipses).
Any one-sheeted hyperboloid is a doubly-ruled surface, that can be constructed from straight lines.
The same surface is modeled in plaster in three different versions: plain, with two families of straight rulings, with lines of curvature. Each model has a hollow inside in the shape of the asymptotic cone.